Millennial parents are faced by a myriad of challenges, ranging from taking care of kids, finances, balancing job and family and so forth.
The challenges get more intense depending on one’s lifestyle and character on solving them. One can easily handle the challenges if he/she seeks information from right sources like parents, family counselors, pediatrics, internet research. Some of these challenges include;
1.How to take care of the young one
When one becomes a parent you automatically get added responsibilities. This in itself is overwhelming especially when it gets practical. Babies are very delicate and seeks high level of attention. I remember my experience was terrible, always learning in the hardest way. I almost got a heart attack when I once found my baby not able to breath, trying to gulp some air through the mouth. Thanks God I had someone to help and realized was just some nasal blockage that needed saline drops. From my experience I learnt to always get equipped with the right information and resourceful people who can help. For instance, having contacts of pediatrician, nurse or health officer who can help out when in doubts. Also asking questions during clinical checkups can ease the burden. You can also check for helpful tips on parenting like;
                      How to breastfeed
                                Change nappy
                      Soothing baby to sleep

 2.Unable to multitask

As a millennial parent a lot lies in your hands. From being a parent, employee, a student, a friend, a spouse to many others. All these need your attention and especially for the kids it should be undivided. Without understanding and even having a plan how to handle the situation can drive you nuts. Some things have to be forgone to at least take care of the family and especially if you blessed with bundles of joy, it means more responsibilities like it happened to me. But all these efforts never go unrewarded. You will be happy seen healthy, disciplined kids that you raised. Kids that everyone wants to be around with.

3.Being ‘screen guys’
Most of the time when free often millennial spend time on their phones. Moms and dads’ moments are playing games online with the kids, watching a movie or cartoons. Kids also grow differently as they learn how to operate gadgets like iPad, laptops even before talking. It's therefore not healthy to keep kids glued to screens all the time at least balance with other activities. For instance, they can have a list of things to do with your help like drawing, fun games, exercising, storytelling etc.  These activities can help them to grow their minds and still part of exercise. Also, more screen time reduces the parent’s interaction with their kids as shown below.

4.Being a good role model

Due to the kind of busy schedule for most parents they are torn in by the pressure. Always on the move to provide, build their brand names and forget their primary goal. Some of the kids are left under care of nannies or grandparents and gets confused on whose character to follow. As parents even with all the pressure have that moment with the kids. Let them get to know who you are, your stand and personality. This will play a great step in building their future which lies in your hands. It will give them an identity and mold them for the best.
      "Children are educated by what grown-up is and not by his talk"- Carl Jung

5.Financial challenges
The millennial times comes with some hardships. The economy sector is not a joke at all. Even with the high level of education, as per Pew research center, it is hard to get jobs.  Also, the cost of commodities and services are on the rise. It's therefore wise for one to budget depending on the income and not the trend of what friends are doing. Give priority to basics and kids and where possible have emergency fund. This goes a long way in handling tricky situation especially for kids’ sicknesses which comes untimely.

To ensure you learn through your own parenting experience, handle each challenge with confidence. There are no rehearsals on parenting. Do your best that you will be proud of their future.


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