I am sure you have come across the term dementia. What questions ring your mind when you hear the term? Is the condition inherited? Does it have a cure?; and more that you need answers. You may be having a sick relative, friend, or even watched a show airing the same. Take a moment and get to 1,2,3 about the syndrome. Mostly the people who suffer from the condition are adults from 65 years of age.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a condition that presents a series of symptoms like memory loss, difficulties in thinking, communication, or problem-solving. Dementia occurs due to brain damage by a disease like a stroke or Alzheimer’s disease. The damaged brain area fails to perform its function resulting in various symptoms of the condition.  The condition generally interferes with your daily activities.

How to Differentiate Dementia from Normal Aging Symptoms

The symptoms of dementia may differ from person to person, depending on the brain part affected. However, there are critical signs that you can see and may point to dementia;

·         One lost in their neighborhood.

·         Forgetting the name of a spouse/ kids/ close family member

·         Unable to carry out simple tasks

·         Forgetting old memories

·         Mood or behaviors changes that escalate to aggression

·         Difficulty speaking, using words incorrectly

·         Becoming unaware of time and place

·         Difficulty walking

Who is at Risk of Getting Dementia?

As per WHO, around 50 million people have dementia, and 60% live in low and middle-income countries. The estimated population is aged 60 years and above, with the disease rate at 5-8%. There are also studies showing people getting dementia early than 60 years, and these are young-onset cases.

What are the Dementia Risk Factors?

Some risk factors include age and genetics.  The majority of those who get dementia are 65 years of age and above, but some are getting it at an early age, especially in our country.  You may be wondering too if it's inherited, but according to the Alzheimer's Society of the UK, there is a rare chance of one passing it down through the family.

Other risk factors include;

Ø  Depression

Ø  Social isolation

Ø  Cognitive inactivity

Ø  Heavy abuse of alcohol

Ø  Poor nutrition

Ø  Smoking

Ø  Lack of exercise

Ø  Cardiovascular issues, diabetes

Ø  Vitamin and nutritional deficiencies like low levels of vitamin D, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12

How Can You Prevent Dementia?

Not every aging person gets dementia, though you can confuse it with aging symptoms. Aging persons don't forget some old memories, and they can still attend simple daily tasks. With dementia, you will quickly notice the difference, and the situation changes and gets severe with time.

But there are ways you can prevent the syndrome;

·         Avoid smoking

·         Avoid the use of harmful alcohol

·         Regular exercise

·         Watching your weight

·         Eating healthy diet

·         Maintaining healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars

Dementia has no cure, but you can help slow it down. When you notice some of the symptoms either in a family member, a friend, it's best to seek early diagnosis. We have the best neurologist in the country that you can contact for help. Again, show support to the affected person and help in daily activities. Additionally, learn to be patient in case the patient becomes aggressive.

 You are not alone; many family members are going through the same. Join helpful support groups to learn more about caregiving and walking in this journey together. Let's share this information and create awareness; we can help prevent dementia.











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