Every parent hopes to have a healthy baby who goes through a smooth developmental milestone. Teething is one of the baby's milestones, as previously explained on Milestone’s article.  As the babies go through the stage, some encounter several health challenges. Others it's like a walk in the park, you wake up one day, and they have their first tooth.

These dental milestones are crucial, and as a parent, you should understand them. They include teething, shedding teeth, braces, wisdom, and more. All these stages have their timelines and require special attention and care. Let's learn more about these stages in this article.

1.       Teething

The process of baby tooth eruption occurs when your baby grows teeth. This development occurs from 3 months as the earliest timing and can come months later in different kids. The top teeth follow these first bottom teeth, later canines, premolars, and molars. Your baby will have a complete set of teeth by 3years, or what we call the primary/ milk teeth.

During teething, most babies go through rough moments. Especially the canines, they are painful and cause fever, cold and make the kid uneasy. Others may also have diarrhea, loss of appetite, and keeps crying. As a parent, provide the best care to your child at this time and consult a healthcare provider if necessary. Again, as teething ends, check for any issues like overlapping, under, or over bite and report to a dentist.


                                      Image Source: Como tomo

2.       Losing Primary Teeth

Most kids start losing their teeth from the age of six. These teeth can fall out naturally or due to specific impacts like sports. It's wise to ensure your kid has protective gear like a mouth guard while playing to prevent accidents as baby teeth are very soft.

3.       Braces

You can consider braces when your child has all the teeth in case of any spacing issue. The braces help align your teeth and be straight. It's easier to set a pre-teen tooth than an adult; therefore, always visit a dentist if your child has spacing issues.

4.       Wisdom Teeth

These teeth grow naturally after the adult teeth. They cause pain and discomfort. Some grow at irregular angles and can affect the alignment of other teeth.

5.       First Dental Visit

 American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and the American Dental Association recommends taking the baby to a dentist when the first tooth erupts. Having a visit to a dentist is crucial dental health practice for preventative therapies and early treatment of any dental issues like Early Childhood Caries.  Like in adults, always schedule a dental visit once a year for checkups.

When to Start Brushing Baby's Teeth and How

Start cleaning your baby's teeth as early as three months old. Use a clean damp face washer and gently wipe your baby's gum as a way of preparing for the brushing stage. When the first tooth appears, you can still use a clean wiper or a soft infant brush for cleaning. It depends on what your baby will be comfortable with but ensure you do it gently to avoid hurting the gum.  Ensure you use fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first tooth erupts in small amounts.

How to Clean Baby’s Teeth

·         Securely position your baby with the head against your body.

·         Support the baby’s chin with one hand.

·         Lift the baby’s lip and clean the teeth in circular motions with the other hand.

·         Remember to brush the front and back of each tooth and the gum line.

·         To encourage your baby to brush, make it fun by singing some baby songs, and the kid will enjoy it.

How to Provide Good Dental Care for a Child

There are various steps you should take as a parent to improve your child's dental health. Some of these practices include;

Ø  Ensure your child gets fluoride as it strengthens the baby's teeth and prevents cavities. But remember, too much fluoride can is harmful and even stains teeth. Be sure your child doesn't swallow toothpaste or mouthwash.

Ø  Brush your child at least two times a day for 2 minutes and teach them as they grow up.

Ø  Observe a healthy diet for the kid's teeth. Avoid too much sugar or sweetened drinks and always brush them after eating sugary snacks. Frequent exposure to sugary foods and beverages can lead to tooth decay.

Ø  Supervise your kids as they brush to ensure they do it perfectly without swallowing toothpaste.


Observe your baby’s oral hygiene through cleaning their gum and teeth well. Apart from cleaning, feed them with a healthy diet, avoid sugars and use fluoride toothpaste. It's advisable to have a dental checkup early when the first tooth erupts and annual visits for checkups. These practices will ensure your baby's teeth remain healthy and prevent other related illnesses.

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